Urban redevelopment summit to spotlight Pittsburgh
The concept for an international summit in Pittsburgh that would focus on sustainable urban redevelopment was already a priority on the Heinz Endowments’ agenda when Grant Oliphant stepped into the top job at the foundation last June.
Pitt trustees approve $37M in renovations; university to lease space at Energy Innovation Center
The Property and Facilities Committee of the University of Pittsburgh’s Board of Trustees voted Thursday to approve $37 million for two renovation projects, as well as three building leases.
Would your clients benefit from a free professional roofing training?
What color is your dream? You know Quantum’s outside-the-box artists love a party. Join us to riff on the famous surrealist parties of 20th century Paris celebrating the arts of painting, sculpture, architecture, and printmaking.
CCAC and the Energy Innovation Center Establish Historic Partnership
In an effort to increase access to education and attract more people to jobs in the gas, energy and technology industries, CCAC has partnered with the Energy Innovation Center (EIC) to provide hands-on training and workforce development programs.
Local 95 is proud to announce that the Energy Innovation Center (Connelly Trade School) is open for Classes!
Global Shaper-Pittsburgh Event
EIC is proud to be the location for the Global Shaper-Pittsburgh Event Tuesday, January 20, 2015 http://www.globalshaperspittsburgh.com/