Energy TechnologyThe presentations, given by experienced faculty on all the subjects involved, are complemented by discussion sessions and hands on lab demonstrations. The course will progressively build up the learner’s understanding of the prime movers, steam plant, and the thermodynamic principles of CHP. A key aspect of the course will be the methods of performance evaluation and energy demand analysis, from which is derived the financial evaluation of the CHP proposal. This course will provide learners’ with the knowledge to develop a CHP proposal with sound business case, as well as operate and maintain a variety of DG/CHP systems. Course topics include:
- Gas turbines a prime mover for CHP
- Diesels as prime mover for CHP
- CHP Market conditions & economics
- Embedded/distributed generation
- CHP performance evaluation
- CHP economic evaluation
- Selection of equipment
- Steam plant/boilers
- De-regulated electricity markets
- Combustors and emissions
- Data collection for CHP planning
- CHP case studies
- CHP applied to a large hospital
- CHP in practice
- Future opportunities
- Demonstrations